
Hey There, I’m Sarah. I’m an indie game developer. I have been working in game development for the past couple of years and I was working as a Flex/Flash developer for 2 years before that.

I started this blog to make game making a bit easier for my fellow game developers specially indies. I know being an indie can be hard and sometimes lonely too – I have been there (and still there actually :D) – and I hope this blog will make it a little bit less lonely for someone out there. And hopefully for me too ๐Ÿ™‚

As the title suggests this blog is about making games in general not just coding. So whether you are having some trouble with part of the game making process and would like me to make a tutorial about it, or want to talk game development with me, or want to give me feedback or advice, or want to just talk ๐Ÿ™‚ , don’t hesitate to contact me through the form below and I will surely get back to you as soon as I can in sha’ Allah.

I look forward to hearing from you.